
Sri Raghavendra Mantra Mandira

Sri Krishnaya Namaha

Heartfelt welcome to all spiritual seekers of Karnataka.

Your visit here signifies that something significant must change in your life.

Please consider today as an auspicious day and this moment as an auspicious moment and begin reading the following thoughts with joy and a cheerful mind.

To make your life meaningful, to make every day of your life purposeful, to make every moment worthwhile, to face all challenges of life with courage, and to keep your mind calm: Become a member of the Sri Raghavendra Mantra Mandira. By engaging in daily interactions and discussions of positive thoughts, we can achieve great success in life.

Each individual faces unique challenges. These challenges can be categorized as mental troubles and physical ailments. Neither of these can be completely cured externally. This is because, when one trouble subsides, another tends to arise.

Many attribute all problems to our past karma, while some believe deities or navagrahas (planetary alignments) are responsible. But upon deeper reflection, none of these are the true cause of our difficulties. Our mind is the primary reason. When the mind is in the right state, all challenges naturally find solutions. Due to the lack of proper clarity for the mind, we end up trapped not only in this life but also in cycles of suffering across lifetimes.


With the grace of Harivayu Guru:

· Strength comes to the mind.

· A good path becomes visible.

· Clarity emerges.

· Future hardships melt away like ice.

· Ultimately, we reach a state where all difficulties are completely eradicated.

Without this path, no matter how much we struggle, there is no resolution. Challenges will persist endlessly. We need to provide this clarity and show the right direction. The understanding gained during hardships cannot come from any academic study or tradition alone. Hence, we aim to identify those in distress and provide them with clarity and guidance.


To achieve this, we are launching the Sri Raghavendra Mantra Mandira website. We wish for all Kannada-speaking people to benefit from this initiative. We have decided to carry out this continuous effort of spreading knowledge for the welfare of Kannada people. You must actively and wholeheartedly support this cause.

No matter how severe your challenges are, Sri Harivayu Guru will guide you to a solution. We must nurture and grow our sense of surrender to Him. Every accomplishment of those who become members of Sri Raghavendra Mantra Mandira will be recorded, and their challenges and difficulties will be addressed.


On this journey of life, a fine vessel is arriving to guide you along the correct path. The journey it offers will be filled with peace and joy.


Please become a member of Sri Raghavendra Mantra Mandira and to follow our daily updates and bring positive changes to your life.

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